ROCKFORD – Local residents interested in applying for U.S. citizenship are invited to attend a free workshop on Saturday, Oct. 22 sponsored by State Rep. Joe Sosnowski (R-Rockford) in partnership with the New Americans Campaign and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.

“We are pleased to offer this workshop for immigrants pursuing their dream of becoming a U.S. citizen,” Rep. Sosnowski said. “Navigating the process can be complicated and confusing for many immigrants, but help is available, and now is the time. I encourage everyone in the Rockford area interested in applying for citizenship to attend our friendly, welcoming and free workshop on October 22.”
Basic information those interested should know before attending the workshop include:
You are eligible for U.S. CITIZENSHIP if:
- § You have had a green card for 4 years, 9 months and know basic English, or
- § If you are married to a U.S. Citizen, have had a green card for2 years, 9 months and know basic English
English is NOT needed for U.S. Citizenship if:
- § You have a disability, or
- § You are 50 years old and have had a green card for 20 years, or
- § You are 55 years old and have had a green card for 15 years
To be able to fill out a citizenship application, attendees will need to bring following documents:
- § Your Permanent Resident Card (green card) AND Social Security Card AND your driver’s license or state ID
- § Dates of all travels outside US since you received your green card
- § A list of all your home addresses for the past 5 years
- § A list of all your employer addresses, dates, and locations for the past 5 years
- § If currently married, your spouse’s name AND date of birth AND social security number AND immigration number (if applicable) AND date of naturalization (if applicable)
- § Date of ALL marriages and divorces of you and your spouse (if applicable)
- § If you have children—their names AND their addresses (if not living with you) AND their dates of birth AND their green card numbers (if applicable)
- § If you have ever been arrested—reason for arrest AND date AND place it happened AND outcome/disposition
- § 2 passport photos
- § Males: your Selective Service number and registration date—if you don’t know, call (847) 688-6888 or go to
- § Money order for $680 (double check the correct amount of the current fee before you send your application) payable to US-CIS. For those older than 75 years of age the money order amount is $595.
For questions or to register, please call the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights at (312) 332-7360 Ext. 245.