Coffee Talk With Joe
Friday, July 7, 2017
8:00 am to 9:00 am
Ned’s Restaurant
2132 Business Route 20
Belvidere, IL 61008
“Community coffees are a valuable opportunity for me to listen to the concerns of local residents firsthand,” Representative Sosnowski said. “We are at a critical juncture in state history in terms of the budget, state spending, taxes, and the investments we make in education, public safety and many other areas. I encourage everyone who has questions, comments or concerns to come make their voice heard at my coffee talk in Belvidere.”
Constituents who are unable to attend the coffee talk but still wish to provide feedback to Representative Sosnowski can do so online by visiting www.joesosnowski.org and clicking “Contact” on the homepage menu, or by calling the District Office in Rockford at (815) 547-3436.