Other special attractions include the popular Cool Vehicles exhibit featuring over 20 trucks and emergency vehicles for kids to see and interact with; as well as a car seat safety check, bouncy houses, petting zoo, Knocker Ball, a free kids identification kit and diabetes screening. Guests are encouraged to bring a donation of canned food items to enter the raffle for prizes and giveaways. Admission to the Kids’ Health & Safety Fair is free and open to the public:
State Rep. Joe Sosnowski’s
Kids’ Health & Safety Fair
Saturday, August 5, 2017
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Rockford Christian Schools
1401 N. Bell School Road
Rockford, IL 61107
“I am very excited to host an event that connects kids and families to the tremendous local resources and activities available throughout the Rockford area,” Representative Sosnowski said. “This Fair will be interactive, fun and informational for families of all ages.”
For questions or more information, please contact Representative Sosnowski’s office at (815) 547-3436 or visit www.joesosnowski.org.