Ready or Not, Here They Come!
2018 ushers in over 200 new laws to be enacted in Illinois effective January 1. A short summary highlighting a few of the new laws are below. For additional information on all the new legislation, please click here.
Business Focused:
House Bill 302; P.A. 100-0543: Finding Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Requires insurers to request information sufficient to ensure all benefit or proceeds are appropriately distributed to beneficiaries of a deceased individuals’ insurance claim. Prior to the enactment of this legislation, it was the beneficiaries sole-responsibility to seek out and claim the insurance benefits.
House Bill 736; P.A. 100-0347: Small Business Grant Program The legislation offers public-aid recipients with support and guidance in developing new start-up businesses.
Senate Bill 298; P.A. 100-0207: Consumer Fraud Prices – Services Allows for the differentiating of service prices based on specific factors, including expertise, the amount of time devoted to the task, and the cost of providing the service. Hair salons, tailors, dry cleaners, and barbershops will be required to publicly post a service price list.
Senate Bill 2012; P.A. 100-0328: Angel Investment Credit Angel Investment Tax Credit Program works to encourage investment in early-stage innovative companies in Illinois. Extends the credit period to December 31, 2021, with a number of changes expanding the eligibility of the program.
House Bill 1805; P.A. 100-0041: Changes Organ Donor Registration Age to 16 Applicants for driver licenses or state identification cards over the age of 16 rather than 18 have the opportunity to have their name included on the First Person Consent Organ and Tissue Donor Registry. The Secretary of State provides the parent or guardian of the donor the option to amend or revoke.
House Bill 2897; P.A. 100-0384: Helping Paws for Veterans Act The legislation provides that veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression are now eligible to receive service dogs from the Helping Paws Service Dog Program. Also provides that military veterans with depression or PTSD are included among eligible disabilities.
Senate Bill 1722; P.A. 100-0003: Reducing Gun Violence Increases the minimum sentence for unlawful use of a weapon by a felon from 3-7 years to 7-14 years. Provision will sunset after five years.
House Bill 470; P.A. 100-0109: Official State Grain Formally designates corn as the official grain for the State of Illinois.
House Bill 2895; P.A. 100-383; Cycling The act declares that cycling is the official exercise of the State of Illinois.
House Bill 2965; P.A. 100-268: Payments on Overdue Mortgages In circumstances in which a mortgagor is in arrears by more than one month, the new law prohibits a licensee under the Residential Mortgage License Act of 1987 from refusing to accept payments offered in whole-month amounts. The law goes on to require that any such payments made must be applied to the unpaid balance in accordance with the terms of the mortgage.
House Bill 3054; P.A. 100-0034: Complaints Against a Judge This new law requires the clerk of the court to post in the common areas of the courthouse a notice that a person may file a complaint against a judge. Furthermore, the Judicial Inquiry Board is tasked with developing a standard notice and providing the document to each clerk.
Again, for additional information and a comprehensive list of all new legislation, please click here. |