Rep. Sosnowski statement on Governor’s State of the State Address

State Representative Joe Sosnowski (R-Rockford) issued the following statement in response to Governor JB Pritzker’s State of the State Address delivered to a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly today:

“The Governor spends a great deal of time posting on social media criticizing President Trump, pontificating about national issues, fueling ridiculous Nazi accusations, and laying the groundwork for his own presidential ambitions in 2028 instead of keeping his focus where it needs to be; on Illinois and the challenges we face as a state.

“Specifically, we should have heard from the Governor today on policies to grow Illinois, lower property taxes, and ending the wasteful taxpayer-funded health benefits for all non-citizens. Instead, the Governor proposed $590 million in new taxes, transfers and other budget gimmicks in an attempt to sustain the uncontrollable spending we have seen over the past six years under his failed leadership.”

Representative Sosnowski serves the 69th District which includes portions of Winnebago, Boone, and McHenry Counties.