
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Meet Rep. Sosnowski at Upcoming Outreach Events

Thursday, August 30, 2018
Sosnowski: Put Trust Back in Parents

By Joe SosnowskiState Representative, 69th District The line between parental discretion and the heavy hand of government intrusion has grown increasingly blurred, as evidenced by the recent case reported on…

Thursday, August 16, 2018
Rep. Sosnowski Hosts Coffee Talk in Belvidere

State Rep. Joe Sosnowski hosted a coffee talk with constituents at Ned’s Diner in Belvidere on Thursday to discuss state issues and recap the spring legislative session and the state…

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Governor Signs Sosnowski Bill to Empower Struggling Students to Complete High School Education

SPRINGFIELD– Governor Bruce Rauner signed legislation on Monday to make achieving a high school diploma more attainable for students who are struggling academically or those who have truancy issues.   Prior…

Friday, August 10, 2018
Rep. Sosnowski to Host “Coffee Talk with Joe” in Belvidere

BELVIDERE– Local residents with questions or concerns on issues impacting the State of Illinois are invited to attend an early morning “Coffee Talk with Joe” hosted by State Representative Joe…

Thursday, August 9, 2018
Rep. Sosnowski Greets Constituents at the Boone County Fair

Rep. Joe Sosnowski enjoys meeting constituents and local families at the annual Boone County Fair in Belvidere. Rep. Sosnowski and his staff have a booth in Exhibit Hall #1 open…

Friday, August 3, 2018
Governor Signs Sosnowski Bill Strengthening Public Notice Law

CHICAGO –Governor Bruce Rauner signed legislation on Friday strengthening public notice law for Illinois residents and local newspapers throughout Illinois with respect to legally-required notices concerning real estate.  The legislation,…

Saturday, July 28, 2018
Hundreds of Boone, Winnebago County Families Turn Out for Rep. Sosnowski’s Kids Fair

Hundreds of local families came out for Representative Joe Sosnowski’s Kids Health & Safety Fair held at Rockford Christian Schools on Saturday. Family-friendly activities included a petting zoo, rock climbing…

Monday, July 23, 2018
Constituents Urged to Give Feedback on State Issues via Rep. Joe Sosnowski’s Online Survey

ROCKFORD– Residents of the 69th District are encouraged to provide their feedback on a range of issues impacting the State of Illinois by filling out an online legislative survey offered…

Friday, July 20, 2018
Rep. Sosnowski: Rauner Right on CrossCheck Veto

Governor Bruce Rauner did the right thing on Tuesday when he vetoed Senate Bill 2273, legislation that would limit the State of Illinois to participate in a single, exclusive interstate…